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Assorted bugs

Chronological Thread 
  • From: David Allouche <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Assorted bugs
  • Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2001 03:39:17 +0100

Phew, I'm tired of accumulating bugs here. I decided it was time for me to
post them up.

1. Lost sections

In some situations, in paper page type, a section title preceded by a page
break can be lost by the typesetter.

Demonstration: open the document, select
Document->Page->Type->Paper. The section title disappears.

Bonus: move the cursor to the end of the document (while the section is
invisible) and press backspace. Crash!

2. Multicolumn flow

When a <with|nr columns|2|...> element is the only subtree of a document, the
text will not flow in the second column.

Demonstration: open the document. All the text is in the first
column although there is enough text to flow in the second column. Place the
cursor at the end of the document, press space. Not the text flows in the two

Bonus: Open the document, place the cursor at the end of the
document, insert an itemize. Crash! Notice that this one bug also happens
when there are other elements in the document. You only need to have a
multicolumn immediately followed by an itemize.

3. Pasting angle brackets

TeXmacs does not like the user pasting angle brackets.

Demonstration: Start TeXmacs. Copy this character ">". Middle click the
TeXmacs buffer. Nothing happens.

Bonus: Copy this character "<". Middle click the TeXmacs buffer. Crash!

Note: Pasting any text containing > or < will reproduce these bugs or show
misbehaviour due to the same problem.

So far, so good for the really impressive ones.

Now, the less serious ones:

4. Incorrect typesetting of lonely <with> in preamble mode

Start TeXmacs, select Option->Mode->Preamble, type E-w to create a <with>
element. It does not appear. Type a letter, it appears AFTER the cursor.
Press backspace, it disappears again.

You have the same problem when the <with> actually contains something. In
this case the body still appears, but the <with> markup is hidden unless
there is some other text on the same line.

The next one is as much a bug as a hidden feature.

5. Selecting the current buffer from the buffer menu

Start TeXmacs, type "Hello world!", select Options->Shrinking Factor->1,
select Buffer->no name (that is, the current buffer). The buffer will appears
with the defaut shrinking factor. Select Document->Style->article. Now the
footer displays, properly, "article" as the document style and no longer
"letter". Select Buffer->no name (still the current buffer). Now we get again
shrinking factor = 1 and "letter" style. Select Buffer->no name. Back to
normal shrinking and "article style".

Bonus: Select File->clone window, the other buffer appears in the new window.

A discussion of the causes of this bug and a proposed solution are in the
attached file

There is also a pile of user interface bugs, but I will post them later...

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