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Re: [TeXmacs] References to labels following in the text

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Ralf Juengling <address@hidden>
  • To: Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] References to labels following in the text
  • Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:34:34 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks, Joris. I was just about to post another email.

Jeremy's workaround fixes the problem with the references (thank you!),
but that workaround is not perfect: putting a label just after a figure changes the spacing to the paragraph following the figure. Attached
another little doc which shows this.


On Tue, 29 Oct 2013, Joris van der Hoeven wrote:

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 05:48:31AM -0700, Ralf Juengling wrote:
I managed to create a small document which shows the problem (attached).

Thanks. As Jeremy noticed, the problem indeed comes from the fact that
the labels are put inside the captions _and_ the list of tables and figures
(with the same captions including the labels) are put at the start of the

I think that I found a final fix for this kind of problems by
automatically removing all labels when creating tables of contents,
lists of tables/figures, etc. I just did the commit on SVN.

Best wishes, --Joris


    <glossary-1|<label|fig-foo-figure>There might be a multiline figure
    caption here. It depends on how long it is. It could be one line or two
    lines or three lines. blahblah|<pageref|auto-3>>

    <glossary-1|There might be another multiline figure caption here. It
    depends on how long this one is. It could be one line or two lines or
    three lines. blahblah|<pageref|auto-4>>

  <chapter|Figure Reference Problem>

  Figure <reference|fig-foo-figure> shows a foo.

  <big-figure|foo|<label|fig-foo-figure>There might be a multiline figure
  caption here. It depends on how long it is. It could be one line or two
  lines or three lines. blahblah>

  There is some text following Figure <reference|fig-foo-figure>. When the
  label is inside the caption, then the spacing between the figure and the
  following paragraph looks good. \ 

  Figure <reference|fig-bah-figure> below shows a bah.

  <big-figure|bah|There might be another multiline figure caption here. It
  depends on how long this one is. It could be one line or two lines or three
  lines. blahblah><label|fig-bah-figure>

  There is also some text following Figure <reference|fig-bah-figure>. Now
  the label is outside the caption and the spacing between figure and this
  paragraph does not look good.



      <tuple|normal|<label|fig-foo-figure>There might be a multiline figure
      caption here. It depends on how long it is. It could be one line or two
      lines or three lines. blahblah|<pageref|auto-3>>

      <tuple|normal|There might be another multiline figure caption here. It
      depends on how long this one is. It could be one line or two lines or
      three lines. blahblah|<pageref|auto-4>>
      of figures> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>>

      Reference Problem> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>>

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