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From : Massimiliano Gubinelli <address@hidden>- To: texmacs-users <address@hidden>
- Cc: TeXmacs <address@hidden>
- Subject: Re: facilities to comment documents
- Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2020 21:11:39 +0100
Dear all,
thanks to Joris for this nice feature. I've added a small discussion on the implementation of some parts of this feature in the blog:
The blog has now also a page listing all the recent changes here:
and an Atom feed here:
On 6. Dec 2020, at 19:55, TeXmacs <address@hidden> wrote:Dear all,
I did a first tentative implementation for comments (revision 13272, upcoming TeXmacs 1.99.17).
The functionality becomes available by selecting the 'comment' package.
As the discussion on this list has shown, there are different commenting styles.
We basically want to support all of them:
- Unfolded comments (could also have been called 'embedded' or 'inline')
- Folded comments
- Margin comments
I only implemented the first two; comments in the margins could be added later
(for this, it would be nice to design a draft style with large margins).
There is a bit of a hassle due to the fact that inline and block content
needs to be treated differently. Unfolded comments need to be alone
on a line if they contain block content. This may create a bit of havoc
when switching between unfolded and folded comments, but we can probably
live with that for now.
Since our tooltip balloons are completely functional now,
this also makes folded comments more attractive:
you can navigate accross all comments using C-[ and C-],
and the tooltips will show you the comments to be reviewed.
I also implemented Alvaro's suggestion of making it possible to
show all comments in a separate window. We don't have the "subtle lines"
that connect the commented text and the corresponding comments,
but TeXmacs knows how to synchronize the cursor positions,
so that should be more or less as good (maybe even less distracting).
One pending issue is to make cursors somewhat more visible.
The comments window is also a nice illustration of the new way
to deal with 'mirroring', i.e. the ability to edit the same text
in different windows. We have not used this feature much until now,
so feedback about this and potential bugs will be welcome.
For the moment, comments are attached to single locations,
but the markup contains an additional slot that will make it
possible to attach comments to regions of text.
In case we need that some day.
The coloring scheme is stored in the user preferences and
not in the document. This allows you to assign once and
for all colors to your favorite collaborators.
Best wishes, --Joris
On Fri, Dec 04, 2020 at 04:21:46PM +0100, Massimiliano Gubinelli wrote:Dear all,
this is very interesting feedback, thanks to all.
I would like to keep track of the discussion and not pollute further the mailing list. I think the error was mine to begin.
Maybe a sensible way to prompt long discussion is to post them on the forum and then send a small "heads up" also on the mailing list, for those who are interested in partecipating.
So I will copy my initial message on the mailing list, and you can add your contribution there. At some point we can come up with a design for this features and prepare a working code.
MaxOn 4. Dec 2020, at 16:08, Jeroen Wouters <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,
I use the following to add short comments:
Mouse-over-balloon changes the color of the body text to indicate a
link, hence I'm resetting the visited-color to the default text color.
I'm also inserting a flag to show that there is a comment, otherwise
you only see it on mouse-over.
On Fri, 2020-12-04 at 09:10 +0000, Frank wrote:Hi max and all,
Joris answered my question before. This could be implemented by a
macro like
(show-comment "body") = body
(hide-comment "body") = empty
and use an if branch to detect whether the boolean variable draft-
mode is true or not, and then return show-comment or hide-comment
There is a disadvantage of this implement: when I set draft-mode to
be false, there will be an extra empty line. I don't know how to
suppress it.
Meanwhile, you can add comments to
then somehow export it to wiki.
于 December 4, 2020 9:04:00 AM UTC, marc lalaude-labayle
<address@hidden> 写到:To be precise, since I just used it : what I use is called
the french texmacs version ; these are obtained with Alt+! on my
Le ven. 4 déc. 2020 à 09:58, marc lalaude-labayle
a écrit :Hi.and
I do need some of these features for my files. I use the label
flagswrite what I need, which is barely longer than 10 words. I dohave
like tothe comments accessible within my file : these files are for myteachingand I keep tracks of their origins.small
I don't use the versioning markup, but the possibility to open awindow with all the texmacs features by a simple click on a flagexercise or
example) could be really helpful when I do share my files forexams with my colleagues.<address@hidden>
So I do really prefer your first proposal too.
Le ven. 4 déc. 2020 à 08:08, Massimiliano Gubinellia écrit :This isDear all,
discussing with some friends I became aware of some advantage
unstructured editing for which we should provide some
alternative.workflow)the possibility (common in programming, but also in some
researchversionto add comments on a document which will not appear in the
finalthe dual(i.e. in the PDF, on in the HTML or LaTeX export -- In some
sense,:)).of literate programming, maybe we can call it co-literate
These comments can be parts of the document one do not want to
makepartsthe final version, or just reminders to explore some
directions, orcomments, butone has to cut because of editorial constraints or refereesmaybeanyway one wants to keep in place and not just delete them
(becausesimplythe paper has a short and long versions). These comments can
also becarrydiscussion between various co-authors, so it would be nice if
theyviewtags, like the name of the author. And then have a macro
facility tojustonly certain subclasses of comments and make them invisible
(i.e.typesetting)leave a flag or some other indicator which do not modify thesomethingif the user wants. This should not be difficult to code, iswould be asimilar to the versioning markup we already have, but I think
itmakeuseful addition to everyday workflows.
It could also be a way to edit the metadata in the document.
Of course one has (at least) two options to design such a
facility:proposalthe additional content editable as part of the document (as in
theeditableabove), or keep it in the document as always invisible and make
iteditoronly via some separate GUI element, i.e. a dialog with an
embeddedmacro(like we have now for search and replace, for example, or for
thewhereeditor). I think I would prefer the first approach, though.
Thoughts, ideas, comments, on such a facility?
ps: on a similar direction a document can have a "draft" mode
markups like \todo or these comments are visible and a "final"
mode,they are invisible.
- facilities to comment documents, Massimiliano Gubinelli, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, marc lalaude-labayle, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, marc lalaude-labayle, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Frank, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Jeroen Wouters, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Massimiliano Gubinelli, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, TeXmacs, 12/06/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Massimiliano Gubinelli, 12/06/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Frank, 12/07/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, TeXmacs, 12/06/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Massimiliano Gubinelli, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Jeroen Wouters, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Frank, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, marc lalaude-labayle, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, Alvaro Tejero Cantero, 12/04/2020
- Re: facilities to comment documents, marc lalaude-labayle, 12/04/2020
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