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From : Jan Ulrich Hasecke <address@hidden>- To: Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
- Cc: address@hidden
- Subject: Re: ispell with ngerman
- Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 11:20:22 +0100
I swear it does not work! ;-)
Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden> writes:
>> ispell -d deutsch Text.txt
> Now I get very confused, because this is exactly the way ispell is being
> called (together with an -a option for interactivity), as the output
> in your terminal should tell you by the way.
So, maybe there is something wrong with the pipe.
Mh, I just tried to work interactively with ispell on the commandline
and it does not recognize umlauts anymore.
Even when I start it with
ispell -a -w äöüÄÖÜß -d ngerman Test1.txt
it think that König, Mücke or Gruß are mispelled.
But it recognizes umlauts, when they are written in this way:
Ko"nig, Mu"cke, GrusS
So I think that when you start it with -a all "illegal" characters must be
converted in this way in order to get spellchecking right.
Gerade ein Konstruktivist, der die sog. Realitaet fuer subjektiv
konstruiert haelt, muss auf einem verbindlichen normativen Kontext
bestehen, und der waere hier: Krieg als Mittel der Politik war immer
und ist ein Unding! (W.H. in der Mailingliste PhilWeb)
- ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/06/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Joris van der Hoeven, 11/06/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/06/2002
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Philipp Hartmann, 11/06/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/06/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Joris van der Hoeven, 11/06/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Joris van der Hoeven, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Joris van der Hoeven, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Joris van der Hoeven, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Jan Ulrich Hasecke, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, David Allouche, 11/07/2002
- Re: ispell with ngerman, Joris van der Hoeven, 11/06/2002
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