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Re: problem loading texmacs

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Henri Lesourd <address@hidden>
  • To: Davia Cox <address@hidden>
  • Cc: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: problem loading texmacs
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 15:54:41 +0200

Davia Cox wrote:

I loaded Fink and Fink Commander and followed your instructions to download the texmacs program. However I had two problems: first i was unsure how to add the following:
source /sw/bin/init.csh

to the file .cshrc or .tcshrc in your home directory, depending on which shell you use. If you don't know which shell you use, then add the line to both files. If the files do not exist, then create them.
I skipped this step and was successful in downloading the files I needed. I downloaded the system tetex86 (I have MacTex with the tetex distribution on it).

That ran fine, so I tried to complete the last step. My second problem occurred here: I opened a terminal and X11. I typed the command texmacs &
it ran until the end, then crashed. The message I received was:

Davia-Coxs-Computer:~ daviacox$
Fatal error: I failed to connect to Xserver in 'x_display_rep::x_display_rep'

Argh. I don't have a lot of clues about Mac, but I know
that this error occurs when TeXmacs is unable to locate
the X server. Under Unixes, the usual reason why TeXmacs
cannot connect is because one needs an IP address for
the X display (this is because the X display is a server),
and because in some cases, this IP address cannot be known.

With a Mac system, it could be something similar, or either
you forgot to start the X server before trying starting TeXmacs,
but according to what you say, it seems you did it...

Perhaps installing system-xfree86 would be useful,
but I am unsure. There is probably a better solution,
but you need the advice of a more Mac-literate person
than myself ;-(...

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