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[TeXmacs] Main menu and shorcuts in Texmacs-qt on Ubuntu 11.10

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  • From: "Adrian S." <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: [TeXmacs] Main menu and shorcuts in Texmacs-qt on Ubuntu 11.10
  • Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 11:32:23 -0600

I downloaded and compiled the latest (non-svn) TeXmacs 1.0.13 source
code for  the new Ubuntu 11.10, Oneiric Ocelot.

1.-Problem with the docked menu of TeXmacs in unity

I am unfamiliar with the unity desktop but it helps saving screen real
state in my netbook.

If I select document->script->maxima, I expected to find a new entry
in the menu saying Maxima.  This did not happen.  I installed the
gnome classic desktop via
sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback
(Though it seems that "sudo apt-get install gnome-panel" is enough, I
do not know the difference...)
and texmacs works fine.

I think it is related to bug 787946 in unity on Launchpad

I don't think it is TeXmacs' fault, but rather qt's integration with Gnome.

Question:  Is there a way to acces the maxima menu, even if it is not
added once the script is activated?

In order to have the menu not docked into the status bar, I tried to
run texmacs via

and via


The second method did not work at all (though it works with gedit or
other applications).  The first one did work, but the new entry in the
menu still was not added.

Question:  How do I activate the maxima script by default so that the
menu starts from the beginning?

2.-Clash between texmacs shortcuts and Unity shortcuts***********
A more difficult issue is to have Unity use the shortcut f10 to
activate the docked main manu and to use the "windows" key to open the
side menu.   I had to install
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
and then in the dash I typed about:config as expained in a page from
linux-software-news-tutorials about configuring unity on ubuntu-1104.html

(I made a mistake, I ran ccsm (which  is not needed), I clicked in the
Unity plugin deactivating it, and thus rendering my session unusable,
I had to login to a terminal ctrl-alt-f1 restart the computer via sudo
shutdown -h now ; get into a unity 2d session and from there activate
the plugin again...)
After typing about:config, I deactivated the f10 key in unity for
TeXmacs  right , to be able to use it.  I do not know if I should
deactivate the super key from Unity for the use with TeXmacs, since I
think I can do the same by using the escape key...

Question:  Is there a file with a comprehensive list of shortcuts?

Well, I hope this information is useful to someone.


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