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Re: [TeXmacs] long documents ?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Henri Lesourd <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Re: [TeXmacs] long documents ?
  • Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2008 01:09:44 +0100

el.douwen wrote:

hi everybody

on the geogebra forum i am discussing with a colleague who seems a bit scpetic with texmacs

he says:

Dans ce cas là je n'ai pas encore les compétences nécessaires pour t'aider, effectivement. ---
Nut i was asking him if he could write a program (plugin ?) to insert dynamic geogebra figures in texmacs doucments; he says no

This of course you cant do it, for one cannot run Java
applets nor flash inside TeXmacs.

<>En attendant, le LaTeX WYSIWYG c'est assez paradoxal, et finalement tu as juste l'air de dire que ça ressemble à de l'éditeur de formule OO.o ou MS Office, au final.
latex wyswyg that seems to be paradoxal; is it just like Ooo equation editor ?

No its much more, e.g. it's the only editor I know which can
be used to edit markup and *in the same time* be wysiwyg, when
most convenient.

Did you ever tried to edit a big LaTeX table ? It's a hassle,
while in TeXmacs, its simply wysiwyg, ultra fast editing.

<>Le LaTeX est quand même fait pour des gros documents, même si les petits ne le gênent pas. Tu as fait combien de pages maximum avec TeXmacs ? Rarement la centaine j'imagine. LaTeX seul ça ne lui posera pas de problème, j'attends les tests pour TeXmacs (en temps de génération, bien entendu).

Utter BS. LaTeX is the only editing system I know where you
need to actually *debug* the typesetting of your documents.

As far as the efficiency argument is concerned, with a big
document, you suffer anyway with LaTeX.

latex is made for big documents.

Really, this "made for big documents" concept means nothing: as
soon as your machine is sufficiently powerful and your software
sufficiently bug-free, there are always ways to cope with these
speed problems.

Can you manipulate 100 pages docuemnts with texmacs ? i dont think so

Matter of fact, the typesetting can become slow with around 100
pages. But if you measure the time of *one* typesetting, TeXmacs
typesetting algorithms are anyway much faster. Ya pas photo.

Thus the difference lies in the usage patterns of the respective
software: and in this respect, if you take into account the *whole*
toolchain, from typing the content to tuning the final appearance,
it's crystal clear that one can author mathematical documents much
faster in TeXmacs than in LaTeX, without compromising on quality.

for the last point i dont know what to answer him

Anyway, the easy solution of cutting your document in smaller
pieces of not more than 60-100 pages works very well. Even if
your editor is very powerful, you would do it.

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