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texmacs-users - Verbatim exports

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Verbatim exports

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
  • To: address@hidden
  • Subject: Verbatim exports
  • Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 16:04:27 +0100 (MET)

| I wrote a very simple text I wanted to send recently. TeXmacs file was
| 14ko, generated pdf file was 150ko: I finally sent a text version...
| By the way, [WISH] : "Export to Text", seems usefull.
| Right now, I do:
| 1- Export to LaTeX
| 2- latex2html
| 3- lynx --dump
| To get a text version of my document !
| (the direct conversion to HTML doesnt worth to be mentionned).

Well, you allready have "export verbatim".
I slightly improved this filter for the next version,
so that italic text and so will be exported correctly.

It also depends very much on what you understand by
a "text version of my document". For instance: do you want long
lines to be wrapped? This may be useful for texts, but it would be
bad for programs. Also: how to export mathematical symbols or
special types of markup?

Notice that the TeXmacs document format in itself should be very
readable in the case that you just typed a plain text...

| And OK, maybe I should subscribe to dev, but:
| Is there a good reason for the document internal formating NOT being XML

Because XML is not more readable than the current format,
although I agree that you have more tools for XML.
Nevertheless, we plan to write filters for XML,
just as we already have filters for Scheme.
The readability of the native TeXmacs format will
also be further improved in the future.

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